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Tokoplas & Bukitmega collaborate for online partnership

Diposting 2 Mar 2020 di Plastic

Tokoplas Ecommerce Indonesia

Bukitmega group is a market leader in polymer resin distribution throughout Indonesia with a sizable market share. It’s growth story is remarkable and is a regional benchmark for other distributors in the South East Asia region.

Now, its products will be available online and customers, including some of the largest multinational corporations in the world, can purchase its raw materials directly with a click of a button.

When asked what happens next? Representatives from Bukitmega say “in the future, everything will be bought online and that is all we are doing. It’s a great way to expand our sales channel beyond the traditional method. Customers still have the option to deal directly with us.”

This will be a big game changer to the petrochemical industry which is usually complicated with world politics, bilateral and multilateral trade agreements, foreign currency exchange, economic growth, monetary policies set by the central bank and the logistical challenges of bringing high value products directly to the customer’s doorstep in the world’s largest peninsula.

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